What are the KI Resident fares?
Please refer to the Kangaroo Island Resident Fares on this page.
Will peak pricing affect residents?
No, peak pricing does not affect resident passenger or vehicle fares. The peak vehicle fares will apply to visitor fares for specific services that experience the highest demand throughout the year. The majority of visitor vehicle fares will remain at the current standard fare.
Can these fares be booked online?
Yes, these fares can be booked online.
Can bookings be changed/cancelled online?
Yes, bookings can be changed online, however cancellations must be advised via the Sales Centre by calling 8551 7222.
Are there any booking amendment or cancellation fees applicable to KI Resident bookings?
No there are not, however SeaLink will be introducing amendment and cancellation fees for KI Resident fares with the commencement of the new ferries. Details of the fees will be communicated to residents well before the commencement.
Will booking amendment or cancellation fees be applicable to other fare types such as Family and Friends and Freight?
Yes standard booking and cancellation fees will still apply to all other fare types.
Will funds still be available to be held in credit for unused fares?
Yes, funds will be held in credit for unused fares, however, with the commencement of the new ferries these will be subject to amendment or cancellation fees.
Will the fares increase each year?
Yes, the fares will increase from 1 July each year based on an annual indexation calculation in line with factors including wages, fuel, and CPI growth.
Are the new ferry fares subsidised by Government?
No, the new ferry fares are not subsidised by Government.
Will the Early Bird vehicle special still be available?
Yes, vehicles up to and including 6m in length will receive a 50% discount when travelling on the 5:30am ex Penneshaw, and the 6:00am and 7:00am ex Cape Jervis. This special is applicable only to KI Residents. For pricing, please refer to the fares table on this KI Resident page.
Will proof of residency still be required for travel?
Yes, photo ID with proof of a Kangaroo Island address for KI Resident Adults, Students and Concession will be required to be presented at check-in.
Will the KI Resident driver still travel free?
No, the driver will pay the applicable adult or concession fare.
Will there be long weekend specials available for KI Residents?
No, these new fares will replace all existing long weekend and other specials.
Will the cruiser fare still be available?
The cruiser fare will continue to be available, however the new fares are more beneficial for KI Residents.
Will Family and Friends fares still be available?
Yes, they are still available.
Can a resident still travel free when accompanying a child for a ferry transfer?
Yes, the child transfer free of charge adult ferry fare will continue to apply.
Will temporary KI residents (working on the island for a minimum of 12 months) still be eligible for resident rates?
Temporary KI Residents will require a letter on letterhead from their employer stating a start and end date of employment no less than 3 months, and not exceeding 12 months.
Will SeaLink still provide sponsorship to sporting clubs etc?
SeaLink is committed to supporting the community of Kangaroo Island through the CommunityLink support program and any applications for community support require a CommunityLink Application Form. Applications will open in approximately April of each year and sponsorship will be granted for the following July - June fiscal year.
Towards the new Kangaroo Island Ferry Service
You can find up to date information and FAQ's about the new Kangaroo Island Ferry Service here.