For more than 30 years SeaLink has provided a safe, reliable, and customer-focused ferry service to and from Kangaroo Island for residents, businesses, and visitors.
In December 2021, the South Australian Government announced SeaLink was successful in a competitive tender and would continue to provide this critical transport link between Cape Jervis and Penneshaw as part of the new Kangaroo Island Ferry Service (KI Ferry Service).
This page will provide the latest information in relation to the commencement of the new KI Ferry Service, including:
- Virtual fly-through of the new SeaLink ferries
- Features of the new KI Ferry Service
- Updates on the vessel construction build progress
- Updates on the shore-based infrastructure works
- Transition timeframe for the commencement of the new KI Ferry Service
- Latest News
- FAQs
Stay up-to-date with the latest information from SeaLink regarding the commencement of the new KI Ferry Service contract by subscribing below.